said of a surface:
horizontal; not sloping; level
broad and smooth, without raised or hollow areas
having a broad surface and little thickness
a flat case
a flat dish
said of shoes: without a raised heel
said of shoe heels: low
definite and unmistakable
a flat refusal
fixed or absolute
charge a flat rate
lacking animation; dull or monotonous
Trade is a bit flat
said of a sparkling drink: having lost effervescence
said of a tyre: lacking air; deflated
said of a battery: having lost its charge
said of a musical note: lowered a semitone in pitch
said of a key: having one or more flats in the signature
lower than the proper musical pitch
said of a ball struck: having a low trajectory
uniform in colour
said of a painting or photograph: lacking contrast or depth
informal that's final; there's no more to be said