to go or come after (somebody or something)
to go after (somebody or something) in order to observe them or watch their movements
to accept (somebody) as a guide or leader
to obey or act in accordance with (rules or instructions)
to copy or imitate (something or somebody)
to walk or proceed along (a path or route)
to engage in (an activity) as a calling or way of life
to undertake (a course of action)
to come or take place after (something) in time or order
as sure as night follows day
(+ with) to cause (something) to be followed by something else
We followed dinner with a walk by the river
(often + from) to come into existence or take place as a result or consequence of (something)
to watch the progress of
to be a supporter of (a sport, team, etc)
to understand the meaning or logic of (e.g. an argument, or the person making it)
to watch the progress of (something or somebody)
He followed the animals’ movements through binoculars
to understand the meaning or significance of (something)
The story was complicated and hard to follow
to understand the logic of (an argument, or the person making it)
I don't quite follow you
to keep informed about (something)
She had followed his career with interest
to be a supporter of (a sport, team, etc)
to go or come after somebody or something in place, time, or sequence
(usu + from) to result or occur as a consequence or inference
chiefly Brit to understand the logic of a line of thought
to go in a straight or obvious course
to do what one instinctively feels to be right
to play a card of the same suit as the card led
to follow an example set