containing as much or as many as is possible or normal
complete, esp in detail, number, or duration
a full report
not lacking in any essential; perfect
in full control
(+ of) possessing or containing a great number or amount of
a room full of pictures
at the highest or greatest degree; maximum
at the peak or maximum
at full speed
in full bloom
said of a member of an organization: enjoying all rights and privileges
said of somebody's figure or face: rounded in outline; plump
said of a garment: having an abundance of material
said of a sound: having volume or depth
said of a colour: rich and strong
rich in experience
a full life
(often + up) satisfied, esp with food or drink
(often + of) with the attention completely occupied by something
full of gloomy thoughts
(often + of) communicating excitedly about (something)
were full of their holiday plans
self-satisfied and conceited
completely full
fleeing as fast as possible
in top operating form
You've obviously never seen her in full flight
speaking fluently and animatedly
interrupted in full flow
at a high level of activity