an activity engaged in for diversion or amusement
a physical or mental competition conducted according to rules with the participants in direct opposition to each other
a division of a larger contest
the number of points necessary to win a game
(often Games) organized sports, esp athletics
the equipment used for a particular game
a computer game
a course or plan consisting of manoeuvres directed towards some end
playing a waiting game
a specified type of activity seen as competitive or governed by rules, and pursued for financial gain
the newspaper game
a situation that involves contest, rivalry, or struggle
Brit (in pl) a school lesson in which a sport is taught or played
animals under pursuit or taken in hunting; esp wild mammals, birds, and fish hunted for sport or food
the edible flesh of game animals, e.g. deer and pheasant
in a stronger position than one's rivals or competitors in any sphere of activity
Brit, informal working as a prostitute
to improve one's performance when faced with a challenge
the crime, plot, etc has been discovered or exposed