

单词 gill

gill1/gil/ noun

an organ, esp of a fish, for oxygenating blood using the oxygen dissolved in water

any of the radiating plates forming the undersurface of the cap of some fungi, e.g. mushrooms

(in pl) the flesh under or about the chin or jaws

We were full up to the gills

gilled adj
[Middle English gile, gille, from Old Norse]

gill2/jil/ noun

a unit of liquid capacity equal to a quarter of a pint

[Middle English gille via Old French from late Latin gille water pot]

gill3 or ghyllnoun

Brit a ravine

a narrow mountain stream or rivulet

Middle English gille from Old Norse gil. The spelling ghyll was apparently introduced by Wordsworth

gill4 or jill/jil/ noun

a female ferret: compare hob2 (1)





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