of the colour of grass, between blue and yellow in the spectrum
covered by grass or other green growth or foliage
green fields
said esp of food: consisting of green plants
a green salad
of fruit: not ripened
of wood, leather, etc: not matured or seasoned
said of fruit: not ripe
said of wood, leather, etc: not matured or seasoned
lacking experience or sophistication; naive
said of a person:
looking pale or sickly
appearing pale, sickly, or nauseated
enviousaffected by intense envy or jealousy
inexperienced or naive
relating to or beneficial to the natural environment
green issues
(often Green) concerned about environmental issues and supporting policies aimed at protecting the environment
in the EU, denoting an exchange unit of exchange with a special rate, that has a differential rate of exchange in relation to the specified currency and is used for paying agricultural producers
the green pound
said of meat: not cured or smoked
green bacon