the parts of the jaws from which the teeth grow, or the tissue that surrounds the teeth [Old English gōma palate]
a plant substance that is sticky or gelatinous when moist but hardens on dryingany of numerous polysaccharide plant substances that are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying: compare mucilageany of various substances (e.g. a mucilage or gum resin) that exude from plantsany sticky substance or deposit resembling a plant gumany soft glue used for sticking paper and other lightweight materialsinformal chewing guma hard gelatinous sweetinformal chewing gumAus a eucalyptus tree [Middle English gomme from early French, via Latin gummi, and Greek kommi from Egyptian kernai]
verb transto smear or stick (something) with or as if with gum verb intransto exude or form gumgummer noun