a hand tool consisting of a solid head set crosswise on a handle, used to strike a blow, e.g. to drive in a nail
a power tool that substitutes a metal block or a drill for the hammerhead
a lever with a striking head for ringing a bell or striking a gong
the part of the mechanism of a modern gun whose action ignites the cartridge
in a mammal, the outermost of three bones that transmit sound to the inner ear; = malleus
an auctioneer's mallet; = gavel
a padded mallet in a piano action for striking a string
a hand mallet for playing various percussion instruments
a metal sphere weighing about 7.3kg (16lb), attached by a flexible wire to a handle and thrown as far as possible, as an athletic contest
an athletic field event in which the hammer is thrown
to be sold by auction
said of fighting, arguing, etc: with determination and vigour