having great weight; difficult to carry, move, or lift
large or heavy of its kind
a heavy fabric
having great density; thick or solid
in physics, said of an isotope or compound: having, being, or containing atoms of greater than normal mass
heavy hydrogen
said of food: digested with difficulty, usu because of excessive richness
said of ground or soil: full of clay and inclined to hold water
not delicate
heavy features
slow or sluggish; clumsy
heavy movements
falling with force; powerful
a heavy blow
loud and dull in sound
a heavy thud
said of a smell: very strong
of an unusually large amount, degree, or force
heavy traffic
a heavy drinker
(+ on) using something in large quantities
cars that are heavy on petrol
said of industry: producing heavy goods, e.g. coal, steel, or machinery
said of rock music: loud and having a strong rhythm
needing great effort and strength; demanding
heavy work
a heavy burden
of weighty import; serious or dull
emotionally difficult
a heavy scene with his parents
strict or severe
Was I too heavy with her?
difficult to understand or deal with