a place regarded in some beliefs as a place of torment and punishment for the dead, and as the abode of devils and demons: compare earth1, heaven
‘How comes it then that thou art out of hell?’ ‘Why, this is hell, nor am I out of it.’ — Marlowe
a place or state of torment, misery, or wickedness
used in exclamations or for emphasis
one hell of a mess
Oh hell!
informal there was great commotion or uproar
regardless of opposition or difficulties
informal for the fun of it
informal to be severely scolded
informal to scold somebody severely
informal to make somebody's life difficult
informal serious trouble
If he's late there'll be hell to pay
informal very hard or much
We worked like hell to get the job done on time
informal used to intensify denial or contradiction
‘I did four hours overtime.’ ‘Like hell you did!’
no hope or chance at all
informal to cause disruption or damage
it doesn't matter