the 24th part of a day; a period of 60 minutes
the time reckoned in hours and minutes by the clock; esp the beginning of each full hour
a particular point in time
the time reckoned in hours and minutes by the clock; esp the beginning of each full hour
(in pl) the time reckoned in one 24-hour period from midnight to midnight
will arrive at 0900 hours
archaic or literary the time of day
‘What hour is it?’ ‘It lacks of twelve’ — Shakespeare
a fixed or customary period of time set aside for a specified purpose
the lunch hour
(in pl) the period during which a business, etc is operational
outside office hours
the work done or distance travelled at normal rate in an hour
The city is two hours away
literary a moment or period of peculiar significance
in our hour of need
in astronomy, a unit used to measure the position of a celestial body, e.g. a star or planet, that is equal to an angle of 15° in an east–west direction from a reference point (the vernal equinox) and that represents the distance that the celestial body has travelled in one hour
any of the canonical hours (times for worship or the prayers or services prescribed for them; see canonical hour) in the Roman Catholic Church
outside normal working hours
to get up and go to bed early or late
at an exact hour, esp every hour
the period between midnight and dawn
the story, etc that everyone is talking about
until very late at night
in less than one hour