to put or bring (two or more things) together so that they form a unit, or to come together in this way
(often + up) to connect, meet, or merge with (e.g. points) by a line
said of a river, road, etc: to meet or merge into (something)
where the river joins the sea
to put or bring (two people or things) into close association or relationship
joined in marriage
to enter into the company of (somebody)
Will you join us for lunch?
(usu + in) to associate oneself with (another or otherssomebody) in doing something
My wife joins me in sending sincere thanks for your hospitality
to become a member or employee of (a club, organization, etc)
(+ in) to take part in a collective activity
to come together so as to be connected
to become a member of a group
(often + in/with) to take part or associate oneself in an activity with other people
to engage in battle or conflict
to form an alliance, or to combine one's efforts to do something with those of somebody else