an adult human male
an individual or person
the human race
a two-legged primate mammal that is the sole representative of a distinct family and is anatomically related to the great apes but is distinguished from them, esp by greater brain development and a capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning: Homo sapiens
any extinct member of this species
(usu used in combinations) a man belonging to a specified category, e.g. by birth or occupation
a businessman
a husband or lover
(in pl)
the ranks of a military force
officers and men
the working force, as distinguished from the employer or and usu the management
the members of a team
(the/your/our man) the most suitable person
a person possessing the qualities traditionally associated with manhood, e.g. courage and strength
He was a man, take him for all in all — Shakespeare
Come on, be a man!
any of the pieces moved by each player in a various board games, e.g. chess or draughts
(often the Man) NAmer, slang the police
(often the Man) NAmer, slang the white establishment
to be independent-minded, not answerable to others
from childhood
frankly, as one man to another
in football, etc, with each player marking an opponent
without exception