

单词 measure

measure1verb trans

(+ out) to take or allot in measured amounts

to ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something) in terms of a standard unit or in comparison with something else

We measured the rainfall over one month

to have (a specified measurement)

The carpet measured 3m by 2m

(+ out) to take or allot (something) in measured amounts

Measure out 60g of flour

to estimate or appraise the quality, value, etc of (something)

Some improvements in the school were easy to measure

(+ against) to judge (somebody or something) by a criterion

to choose or control (something) with cautious restraint; to regulate

He measured his words to suit the occasion

archaic to travel over (a certain distance)

verb intrans

to take or make a measurement

measurable adj
measurably adv
[Middle English mesure via Old French from Latin mensura from mensus, past part. of metiri to measure]


a step planned or taken to achieve an end

measures to improve sales

a proposed legislative act or bill

a system of standard units of measure

metric measure

a standard or unit of measurement

a measure of length

an instrument or utensil for measuring

a measured quantity of liquid, etc

a due portion

must give them their just measure

a moderate amount or degree

a measure of respectability

poetic rhythm measured by quantity or accent; metre

musical time

a metrical unit; a foot

NAmer the notes and rests that form a bar of music

archaic a slow and stately dance

the width of a full line of type or print

(in pl) rock strata

beyond measure

to a great extent

for good measure

in addition to the main item or to what is strictly necessary

get the measure of

to get to know the character or abilities of (somebody) or the nature or requirements of (something)





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