inferior in importance, size, rank, or degree
a minor poet
comparatively unimportant
a minor alteration
said of a person: not having attained majority
said esp of a musical scale: having semitones between the second and third, fifth and sixth, and sometimes seventh and eighth steps
being or based on a minor scale
in a minor key
being a musical interval less by a semitone than a corresponding major interval
said of a chord: having an interval of a minor third between the root and the next note above it
said of a premise in logic: containing the subject of a conclusion drawn in a syllogism, e.g. Venus is a goddess in If all goddesses are immortal, and Venus is a goddess, then Venus must be immortal
said of a term in logic: being the subject of a minor premise, e.g. Venus in Venus is a goddess
Brit, dated used after a surname: being the younger of two brothers, esp at a public school
Jones minor