

单词 negative

negative1/ʹnegətiv/ adj

indicating or expressing denial, prohibition, or refusal

a negative response

denoting the absence or the contradiction of something

‘Non-human’ is a negative term

expressing negation

negative words such as ‘no’ and ‘not’

lacking positive qualities

a negative personality

said of a number: less than zero

-2 is a negative number

said of an angle: extending or generated in a direction opposite to an arbitrarily chosen positive direction, esp clockwise

of, being, or charged with electricity of which the electron is the elementary unit

gaining electrons

having lower electric potential and constituting the part towards which the current flows from the external circuit

said of a test result: not affirming the presence of the organism or condition in question

said of plant tropism: turning away from a source of stimulation

denoting pressure that is less than the pressure of the atmosphere

said of a photographic image: having the light and dark parts of the subject reversed

negatively adv
negativity /-ʹtiviti/ noun
[Middle English from late Latin negativus, from negare to deny]


in grammar and logic, a word such as no, not, or never that expresses negation, denial, or refusal, or a statement containing such an expression

a minus number

an undesirable aspect or feature of something

a photographic image, usu on transparent film, used for printing positive pictures, with the light and dark of the original reversed

the plate of a battery that has the lower electric potential

in the negative

said of a response, etc: indicating negation, denial, or refusal

negative3verb trans

to reject, veto, or refuse to accept or approve (a proposal, etc)

to contradict, disprove, or demonstrate the falsity of (a statement, claim, argument, etc)

to nullify (something) or render it ineffective

new methods of cover-up that negative the work of the enquiry





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