an arithmetical value represented by a word, digit, or other symbol, used in counting or calculating quantities, and in referring to things by their position in a series
arithmetic; calculation
(a number of; several)
A number of questions arise
in grammar, singular and plural, or the inflections and word forms that distinguish them
a numeral or set of digits used to identify or designate somebody or something
a car number
a telephone number
literary (in pl) metrical lines; verses
These numbers will I tear, and write in prose — Shakespeare
a member of a group or sequence designated by esp consecutive numbers
an individual item from a collection or group, e.g. a piece of pop or jazz music, a single act in a variety show, or a single issue of a periodical
something viewed in terms of the advantage or enjoyment obtained from it
has a cushy number in his father's firm
an article of esp women's clothing
a chic little black number
informal an attractive person, esp a young woman
a red-headed number with bedroom eyes — Raymond Chandler
a certain identified group of individuals
Some students hunted, but he was not of their number
informal a large number
She's had any number of proposals
following instructions of the simplest kind, esp where each step is indicated by a number
NAmer, informal to disparage or humiliate (somebody)
to understand somebody's real motives or game
informal somebody is doomed