a specific command rule, regulation, or authoritative direction
the rule of law or proper authority
the white moderate who is more devoted to order than to justice — Martin Luther King
a request for goods to be supplied, food to be served, work to be done, etc
a direction to purchase, sell, or supply goods or to carry out work
goods bought or sold
a written direction to pay money to somebody
a proper, orderly, or functioning condition
out of order
regular, correct, or harmonious arrangement
a sociopolitical system, or a division of it
regular, correct, suitable, or harmonious arrangement
customary procedure, esp in debate
a point of order
a prescribed form of a religious service
a religious body or community living under a specific rule and often required to take vows of renunciation of earthly things
any of the several grades of the Christian ministry
(in pl) the office of a person in the Christian ministry
holy orders
a rank or group in a community
a category in the classification of living things ranking above the family and below the class
any rank or level
a category or kind
the arrangement of objects, people, or events according to sequence in space, time, value, importance, etc
the number of times mathematical differentiation is applied successively
derivatives of higher order
the number of columns or rows in a square matrix
the number of elements in a finite mathematical group
a style of building, esp any of the classical styles of architecture
a style of building, esp any of the classical styles of building
a column and entablature proportioned and decorated according to one of the classical styles
the style of dress and equipment for a specified purpose
full marching order
a military or other decoration
about as much or as many as; approximately
so that
for the purpose of
having been ordered
not in the correct sequence order
not in working condition
not following correct procedure; not allowed by the rules
informal not acceptable or appropriate
according to the specifications of an order