

单词 physiognomy

physiognomy/fiziʹonəmi/ noun (pl -ies) (pl physiognomies)

the facial features, esp when revealing qualities of mind or character

the freshness and candor of their physiognomy — Walt Whitman

an external aspect; also inner character or quality revealed outwardly

the physiognomy of a political party

the art of judging character from outward appearance

physiognomic /ˌfizi·ə(g)ʹnomik/ adj
physiognomical /ˌfizi·ə(g)ʹnomikl/ adj
physiognomically /ˌfizi·ə(g)ʹnomikli/ adv
physiognomist noun
[Middle English phisonomie via French and Latin from Greek physiognōmonia, from physiognōmōn judging character by the features, from physis nature, physique, appearance + gnōmōn interpreter]




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