any of the divisions marked on the skin of a pineapple
[shortened form of pippin]
pip2verb trans (pipped, pipping)
to remove the pips from (a fruit)
(usu in pl) a short high-pitched tone, esp one of a series given as a time signal in a radio broadcast or as an indication on a payphone that the caller should insert more money
a blip on a radar screen or instrument
pip4verb (pipped, pipping)
verb trans
said of a hatching bird: to crack open (its eggshell)
verb intrans
said of a bird: to make a shrill noise
said of a radar screen, etc: to blip
any of the dots on dice and dominoes that indicate numerical value
any of the symbols on a set of playing cards that indicate suit and rank
a star worn, esp on the shoulder, to indicate an army officer's rank
[origin unknown]
a disease of poultry marked by the formation of a scale or crust on the bird's tongue and the presence of thick mucus in its throat
give somebody the pip
informal, dated to cause somebody to feel disgust or irritation or to be depressed
[Middle English pippe from early Dutch, prob ultimately from Latin pituita phlegm]
pip7verb trans (pipped, pipping)
informal to beat (somebody or something) by a narrow margin
Katy just pipped Jo for first place
dated to wound (somebody or something) with a gun
pip at the post
to beat (somebody) at the very last minute, esp in a race or competition