an approximately cylindrical container, esp for liquids, with bulging sides and flat ends constructed from wooden staves bound together with hoops
a unit of volume variously reckoned at between 30 and 40 gallons (135 and 180l), e.g. a barrel of oil is 35 gallons (159l), and a barrel of beer 36 gallons (164l)
the amount, esp of liquid, contained in a barrel
a unit of volume variously reckoned at between 30 and 40 gallons (135 and 180l), depending on the industry. For example, a barrel of oil is 35 gallons (159l), a barrel of beer 36 gallons (164l)
the tube of a gun, from which the bullet, etc is fired
the cylindrical part of a pen containing the ink
a cylindrical or tubular part of a machine, e.g. a piece of optical equipment
the trunk of a four-legged animal, e.g. a horse
informal at a disadvantage or in a position of helplessness