the ability to do something or to produce an effect
legal or official authority, capacity, or right
the possession of control or, authority, or influence over others and the ability to determine the course of events
Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely — Lord Acton
the position of being the ruler or government of a country or of exercising supreme political control
somebody or something that possesses great authority or influence
a sovereign state, especially from the point of view of its international influence and military strength
physical strength
mental or moral incisiveness and effectiveness; vigour
the energy supplied to a system or a machine to make it operate, esp electricity
the energy or driving force generated by a motor or a similar machine
(used before a noun) driven by such energy
a power drill
in physics, the amount of work done or energy emitted or transferred per unit of time
= magnification (2)
the number of times a given number is to be multiplied by itself
two to the power three = 2×2×2
= exponent (2)
(used before a noun) involving or accompanied by high-powered discussion among business people
a power breakfast
to do somebody a great deal of good
established authority or any controlling group
[with allusion to St Paul's Epistle to the Romans (13:1): ‘For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.’]