

单词 prefix

prefix1/ʹpreefiks/ noun

an affix, e.g. un- in unhappy, placed at the beginning of a word or before a word root: compare infix2, suffix1

a title used before a person's name

prefixal adj
prefixally adv
[Latin praefixum, neuter past part. of praefigere to fasten before, from prae- + figere to fasten, fix1]

prefix2verb trans

to attach (something) as a prefix to a word, etc

to add (something) to the beginning

She prefixed a brief introduction to the article

to add something to the beginning of (something)

He prefixed his speech with a few complimentary remarks

[partly from Middle English prefixen to fix or appoint beforehand, from early French prefixer, from pre- + fixer to fix, from Latin fixus: see fix1; partly from prefix1]




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