

单词 pretty

pretty1/ʹpriti/ adj (prettier, prettiest)

attractive or aesthetically pleasing, esp in delicate or graceful ways, but less than beautiful

outwardly pleasant but lacking strength, purpose, or intensity

pretty words that make no sense — Elizabeth Barrett Browning

used ironically: dreadful or terrible

a pretty mess you've got us into

moderately large or considerable

a very pretty profit

a pretty penny

informal a considerable amount of money

prettily adv
prettiness noun
prettyish adj
Middle English praty, prety artful, dainty, from Old English prættig tricky, from prætt trick. The Old English forerunner of pretty was a derogatory word meaning ‘crafty’. But, reversing the semantic trend shown by cunning, artful, and crafty, by the 15th cent. it meant ‘clever’ or ‘ingenious’ in a usually approbatory sense, and thus became a generalized term of approval. Its use as an adverb meaning ‘rather’ dates from the 16th cent., and has become so well established and seemingly independent of the adjectival sense that few people would hesitate to say pretty awful or even pretty ugly


to some degree; moderately

pretty comfortable


She felt pretty sick when she heard how much they were going to charge her

informal in a pretty manner; prettily

be sitting pretty

to be in a strong position; to be well placed financially or in other respects

pretty much/nearly/well

informal almost; very nearly

That's pretty much what we expected

pretty3verb trans (pretties, prettied, prettying)

informal (usu + up) to make (something or somebody) pretty

We need some nice curtains to pretty up the room

pretty4noun (pl -ies) (pl pretties)

archaic a pretty person or thing, esp a dear or pretty child or young woman





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