

单词 programme

programme1(NAmer program) /ʹprohgram/ noun

a brief usu printed list of the features to be presented, the people participating, etc, in a public performance

the performance of such a series of features

a radio or television broadcast usu characterized by some theme or purpose giving it coherence and continuity

a systematic plan of action

a rehousing programme

a curriculum, prospectus, or syllabus

a modular degree programme

[French programme agenda, public notice, from Greek programma, from prographein to write before, from pro-1 + graphein to write]

programme2(NAmer program) verb trans (programmed, programming, NAmer programed) (programing)

to arrange or provide a programme of or for (something)

to enter (something) in a programme; to schedule (something) as part of a programme

to cause (something or somebody) to conform to a pattern, e.g. of thought or behaviour

programmability /-ʹbiliti/ noun
programmable /prohʹgraməbl/ adj
programming noun




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