

单词 prompt

prompt1/prompt/ verb trans

to move (somebody) to action

to serve as the inciting cause of (something)

figures that prompt serious anxiety about unemployment

to assist (somebody acting or speaking) by saying the next words of something forgotten or imperfectly learned

[Middle English prompten from late Latin promptare, from Latin promptus: see prompt2]


performed readily or immediately

prompt assistance

ready and quick to act as occasion demands

happening or arriving on time; punctual

promptly adv
promptness noun
[Middle English via French from Latin promptus ready, prompt, past part. of promere to bring forth, from pro-1 + emere to take]


the act or an instance of prompting or reminding somebody

somebody or something that prompts or reminds somebody

a limit of time given for payment of an account for goods purchased

a reminder of a limit of time given for payment

in computing, any of various symbols on a VDU screen that indicate to the user the place where a command should go


informal exactly; punctually

The lecture will start at seven o'clock prompt





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