any of various sweet or savoury dishes of a soft to spongy or fairly firm consistency that are made from rice, tapioca, flour, etc and are cooked by boiling, steaming, or baking
sponge pudding
steak and kidney pudding
a sausage-like food, e.g. black pudding
any of various sausage-like foods, e.g.:
= black pudding
= white pudding
informal a small podgy person
in the pudding club
informal pregnant
puddingy /ʹpoodingi/ adj
Middle English poding via French boudin black pudding, from Latin botellus sausage, small intestine. The word orig denoted a dish rather like haggis, consisting of minced meat, suet, and cereal boiled in an animal's stomach or intestine; later a sweet or savoury mixture enclosed in a crust and boiled or steamed, hence a cooked sweet dish forming part of a meal