a long piece of heavy timber suitable for use in building
a bar for balancing on in gymnastic exercises
the width of a ship at its widest part
used in indicating position: the side of a ship
on the starboard beam
a long piece of heavy, often squared, timber suitable for use in construction
any of the principal horizontal supporting members of a building or across a ship
the width of a ship at its widest part
the bar of a balance from which scales hang
an oscillating lever joining an engine piston rod to a crank, esp in a type of stationary steam engine
a beam engine
a ray or shaft of radiation, esp light
a collection of nearly parallel rays, e.g. X-rays, or of particles, e.g. electrons, moving in nearly parallel paths
an electron beam
a radio signal transmitted continuously in one direction as an aircraft navigation aid
the course indicated by this
informal having wide hips
wrong or irrelevant
The estimate was way off beam
of a ship: about to capsize
proceeding or operating correctly