the act or process of solving or resolving something, e.g. a problem or dispute
the act or process of reducing something to a simpler form or separating it into its component parts
courageous firmness of purpose; determination
something that is resolved, esp a statement of firm intent
New Year resolutions
firmness of resolve
the act of making a firm decision
a formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by a body or group
the capability, e.g. of a television or computer screen, to produce a clear and detailed image, or the degree of clarity of the image produced
= resolving power
in medicine, the natural subsidence of a disease process or symptom, esp the disappearance of inflammation
in chemistry, the separating of a compound or mixture into its constituents
in music, the act of passing from a discordant to a concordant note or the progression of a chord from dissonance to agreeable harmony
in mathematics, the analysis of a vector into two or more vectors of which it is the sum