

单词 ring

ring1/ring/ noun

a circular band usu of precious metal, worn on the finger for adornment, etc

a circular band for holding, connecting, hanging, moving; or fastening, etc or for identification

a circular line, figure, arrangement, or object

an encircling arrangement

a circular or spiral course

an electric element or gas burner in the shape of a circle, set into the top of a cooker, etc, which provides a source of heat for cooking: compare gas ring

a space, often a circular one, for exhibitions or competitions, esp such a space at a circus

a square enclosure in which boxing or wrestling matches are held

(the ring) boxing as a profession

an enclosed area for betting at a racecourse

= tree ring

any of the concentric bands of e.g. ice and rock that revolve round some planets, e.g. Saturn or Uranus

= annual ring

a ridge or marking on a fish scale that represents one year's growth

(treated as sing. or pl) an exclusive association of people, often for a corrupt purpose

a drug ring

a closed chain of atoms in a molecule. Also called closed chain

hold the ring

to act as a neutral monitor or umpire in a dispute

in mathematics, a set of elements that is closed under two binary operations, e.g. addition and multiplication, in a group with respect to the first operation and in which the second operation is associative and distributive relative to the first

run rings round somebody

informal to surpass or outdo somebody, esp in a way that makes them appear foolish

[Old English hring]

ring2verb trans (past tense and past part. ringed)

to place or form a ring round (somebody or something)

to attach a ring to (a bird or animal)

to cut a girdle1 (ring in the formed by cutting away bark around) round (a tree), usu in order to kill it; girdle2

ringed adj

ring3verb (past tense rang /rang/) (past part. rung /rung/)

verb intrans

to make, or cause to make, a resonant the sound like that of a bell or something similar

The doorbell rang

(+ for) to sound a bell as a summons

She rang for the butler

(often + in/out) to announce (something) by, or as if by, ringing

to sound resonantly

Cheers rang through the building

(often + with) to be filled with resonant sound; to resound

The room rang with laughter

of one's ears: to have the sensation of a continuous humming sound

said of one's ears: to have the sensation of a continuous humming sound

to be filled with talk or report

to sound repeatedly

Praise rang in her ears

chiefly Brit (often + up) to telephone

I rang up and ordered a taxi

verb trans

to cause (something, esp a bell) to ring

to sound (something) by, or as if by, ringing a bell

(often + in/out) to announce (something) by, or as if by, ringing

chiefly Brit (often + up) to telephone (somebody)

informal to alter the numberplate, serial number, etc of (a stolen motor vehicle)

ring a bell

to sound familiar

ring somebody's bell

informal to interest or excite somebody

ring the changes

to vary the manner of doing or arranging something

[a metaphor from bell-ringing, in which the ‘changes’ are the various sequences in which a peal of bells can be rung: see change (I)]
ring true

to appear to be true or authentic

ring up/down the curtain

to raise the curtain at the start, or lower it at the end, of a theatrical show

(often + on) to start, or finish, something

[Old English hringan]


the act or an instance of ringing

Brit, informal a telephone call

Give me a ring if you want to go out

a clear resonant sound made by vibrating metal, or a similar sound

resonant tone

a set of bells

a loud sound continued, repeated, or reverberated

a sound or character suggestive of a particular quality or feeling

a story with a familiar ring





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