

单词 run

run1/run/ verb (running, past tense ran) (past part. run) (running, past tense ran /ran/) (past part. run)

verb intrans

to go at a speed faster than a walk, with only one foot on the ground at any time

said of a horse: to move at a fast gallop

to hasten or move quickly or erratically

to flee or escape

to hasten with a specified purpose

Run and fetch the doctor

to make a quick, easy, or casual trip or visit

I'm going to run up to town for the day

to compete in a race

to be a candidate in an election

to move in a certain way

a chair that runs on castors

to pass or slide freely or cursorily

A thought ran through my mind

to sing or play quickly

She ran up the scale

said of a boat: to sail before the wind as distinct from reaching or sailing close-hauled

said of a bus, train, or ferry: to go back and forth; to ply

The trains don't always run on time

said of fish: to ascend a river to spawn

said of a machine, engine, etc: to function or operate

said of an agreement, contract, etc: to continue in force

said of interest, a debt, etc: to continue to accumulate

to have a specified tendency; to pass to a specified state

to run to fat

Money ran low

to flow or course

running water

to become by flowing

The water ran cold

to reach a specified state by discharging liquid

The well ran dry

said of a tap, etc: to discharge liquid

to melt or turn to liquid

said of colours: to spread or dissolve when wet

said of a sore: to discharge pus or serum

to lie or extend in a specified position, direction, or relation to something

The road runs through a tunnel

to have a certain form or expression

The letter runs as follows

to occur persistently

A note of despair runs through the narrative

to reach a specified level

Inflation is running at 4 per cent

to play or be featured continuously, e.g. in a theatre or newspaper

(+ to)

to extend to (a specified size or amount)

The book runs to 500 pages

to be adequate for or be able to afford (a purchase, expense, etc)

My salary won't run to a car

to spread quickly from point to point

Chills ran up his spine

(+ on) to be concerned with or dwell on (something)

chiefly NAmer said of tights or stockings: to ladder

verb trans

to carry on, manage, or control (a business, etc)

to operate (a machine, etc)

to put (a computer program) into operation

to subject (something) to a treatment or process

to make oneself liable to (a risk)

to own, maintain, and use (a motor vehicle)

to cause (a bus, train, or ferry) to ply or travel along a regular route

to convey (somebody) in a vehicle

to cause (something) to pass lightly, freely, or cursorily

She ran a comb through her hair

to cause (something) to lie or extend in a specified position or direction

You could run a wire in from the aerial

to cause (something) to pass forcibly into a certain state, often by accident

He ran his car off the road

to cause (water, etc) to move or flow in a specified way or into a specified position

to cause (a tap) to pour out liquid

to fill (a bath, etc) from a tap

to publish (a story) or show (a film, play; etc) to the public

to register or enrol (somebody) as a contestant or candidate

to cover (a distance) by running

She ran ten miles

to bring (oneself or somebody else) to a specified condition by or as if by running

He ran himself almost to death

to pursue or trace (something or somebody) to their source

to drive or chase (somebody) away

They ran him out of town

to slip through or past (a blockade, etc)

to smuggle (goods)

to drive (livestock), esp to a grazing place

to provide pasturage for (livestock)

run across

to meet with or discover (somebody or something) by chance

run after

to pursue or chase (somebody)

to seek the company of (somebody)

run a temperature

to be feverish

run into

to collide with (something or somebody)

to encounter or meet (somebody or something)

to amount to (a specified figure)

run short

to become insufficient

(+ of) to come near the end of (available supplies)

run through

to squander (money)

to perform (something), esp for practice or instruction

to read through (something) quickly

run to earth/ground

to find (a person or an animal) after a protracted search

[Old English rinnan and Old Norse rinna (verb intrans), renna (verb trans)]


the act or an instance of running; continued rapid movement

a running race

a quickened gallop

the gait of a runner

a school of fish migrating or ascending a river to spawn

a short excursion in a car

the distance covered in a period of continuous travelling

a regularly travelled course or route

a sequence of similar events or circumstances

a run of bad luck

an unbroken course of performances or showings

a persistent and heavy commercial or financial demand

a run on gilt-edged securities

a rapid passage up or down a musical scale

three or more playing cards of the same suit in consecutive order of rank

general tendency or direction

the average or prevailing kind or class

a way, track, etc frequented by animals

an enclosure for domestic animals where they may feed or exercise

an inclined course, e.g. for skiing

in cricket, a unit of scoring made typically by each batsman running the full length of the wicket

a ladder in tights or a stocking

(the runs) informal diarrhoea

give somebody a run for their money

to present a serious challenge to somebody

on the run

in haste; without pausing

in hiding or running away, esp from lawful authority





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