

单词 sleep

sleep1/sleep/ noun

the natural periodic suspension of consciousness that is essential for the physical and mental well-being of higher animals

What hath night to do with sleep? — Milton

a sleeplike state; torpor or inactivity

the state of an animal during hibernation

euphem death

a period spent sleeping

informal dried mucus that sometimes collects in the eye corners when sleeping

go to sleep

to fall asleep

said of a limb: to become numb

put to sleep

to kill (a sick animal) humanely

to make (somebody) unconscious with an anaesthetic

[Old English slæp]

sleep2verb (past tense and past part. slept /slept/)

verb intrans

to rest in a state of sleep

to be in a state, e.g. of quiescence or death, resembling sleep

informal (+ with/together) to have sexual intercourse or a sexual relationship

verb trans

to provide sleeping accommodation for (a specified number of people)

The boat sleeps six

(+ off) to get rid of or recover from by sleeping

(+ away) to spend (time) in sleep

He slept away the hours

(+ off) to get rid of or recover from (something) by sleeping

sleep off a headache

sleep on

to consider (something) more fully, esp overnight, before making a decision

sleep rough

to sleep out of doors, esp in uncomfortable conditions

homeless people sleeping rough on the streets





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