without an internal cavity
a solid ball of rubber
having no opening or division
a solid wall
composed of or having a single substance or character
solid rock
of uniform colour or tone
of or dealing with three-dimensional objects or solids
neither liquid nor gas; retaining shape without needing external support
hard, dense, or compact
of uniformly close and coherent texture; compact
set in type or printed with minimum spacing between lines
joined without a hyphen
a solid compound
of good substantial quality or kind, e.g.:
well constructed from durable materials
solid furniture
sound; convincing
solid reasons
reliable or sound
united or unanimous
without break or interruption
waited three solid hours
had the solid support of the party
reliable or reputable
financially secure
a solid investment
sound and dependable
a solid worker
chiefly NAmer, informal in staunch or intimate association
Aus, NZ, informal excessively or unreasonably severe