a pile, esp an orderly one
a rectangular or cylindrical pile of hay or straw, left standing in a field
a pyramid of three interlocked rifles
a pile of chips sold to or won by a poker player
a store of data, e.g. in a computer, from which the most recently stored item must be retrieved first
a number of aircraft circling an airport at allocated altitudes, waiting to land
(also in pl) shelving for books at a library, not usu accessible to the public
a group of loudspeakers for a public-address sound system
Brit a unit of measure, esp for firewood, that is equal to 108 cubic feet (about 3.06 cubic metres)
a chimney or vertical exhaust pipe
Brit a pillar-shaped rocky islet near a cliffy shore that has been detached from the mainland by wave erosion
informal (also in pl) a large quantity or number
stacks of things to do