to come into operation or existence
to begin functioning or moving
to begin an activity or undertaking
(+ from/at) said of prices, values, etc: to range from a specified amount
to be a participant at the start of a sporting contest
to move suddenly or violently, esp as a result of shock or surprise
said of the eyes: to protrude from their sockets
said of timbers, rivets, etc: to become loosened or forced out of place
to begin (to do something) or embark on (an activity)
to set (something or somebody) going or operating
to cause (machinery, etc) to begin operating
to give the signal for (a race) to begin or (the competitors) to set off
informal to conceive (a baby)
to flush (game) or cause (an animal) to leave a place of concealment
to cause (rivets or timbers) to become loosened or displaced
archaic to startle (somebody) or make them start
to embark on (a task, journey, etc)
informal to begin attacking (somebody) verbally
informal to cause trouble or complications, esp unintentionally
at the beginning; in the first place