the main stalk or trunk of a plant or shrub, from which the leaves and flowers develop
the slender stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit; = pedicel, petiole
a bunch of bananas
the upright timber at the prow of a ship to which the sides are fixed
the prow of a ship: compare stern2
a genealogical stock or line of ancestry, esp a main line from which others have branched
And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse — Bible
the main unchanging part of a word to which inflectional endings or other formative affixes are added
a vertical stroke of a letter or musical note
the tube of a tobacco pipe
the slender support between the base and bowl of a wineglass
a shaft of a watch used for winding
the shaft of a bolt
with reference to a ship: from end to end
A shudder shook the vessel from stem to stern