

单词 supply

supply1/səʹplie/ verb trans (supplies, supplied, supplying)

to provide (something that is needed), esp on a regular basis

They supply components to the motor industry

to provide (somebody) with (something)

She supplied him with all the details

to provide for or satisfy (something) (a need, etc)

This book supplies a long-felt need

archaic to substitute for somebody else in (a place or role); specif to replace a clergyman in (a church or pulpit)

supplier noun
[Middle English supplien via French from Latin supplēre to fill up, supplement, supply, from sub- + plēre to fill]

supply2noun (pl -ies) (pl supplies)

the quantity or amount, e.g. of a commodity, needed or available

Beer was in short supply in that hot weather — Nevil Shute

(usu in pl) provisions or stores

the act or process of supplying something

the supply of fuel

in economics, the quantity of a commodity or service available or offered for sale at a specified price and time: compare demand1

(used before a noun) denoting a teacher who is on call to fill temporary vacancies in schools

Brit (in pl) money voted by a legislature to pay for costs

(used before a noun) of or for the raising of government revenue

a supply bill





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