an inanimate object as distinguished from a living being
an object or entity not able to be precisely named
a matter, concern, or circumstance
A terrible thing happened
an activity or action
Abusive moralizing … is about the least productive thing to do — Nation Review (Melbourne)
an aim or purpose
The main thing is to get well
(in pl)
possessions or personal effects
equipment or utensils for a particular purpose
the tea things
a detail or point
checks every little thing
a spoken or written observation or point
an idea or notion
used with an adjective expressing pity, envy, etc: a person or animal
You lucky thing!
(usu the thing) the proper or fashionable way of behaving, talking, or dressing
a preoccupation, e.g. a mild obsession or phobia, of a specified type
has a thing about motorways
a sexual or romantic relationship
informal something, e.g. an activity, that offers special interest and satisfaction to the individual
We let them do their own thing
letting students do their own thing — Newsweek
in philosophy, a separate and distinct object of thought, e.g. a quality, fact, idea, etc
the concrete entity as distinguished from its appearances
a situation that almost ended in disaster, defeat, or some other unpleasant outcome
informal to be able to take advantage of a very favourable situation
to imagine one can see or hear something that is not in fact there
used to show surprise
wants a xylophone of all things
there is only one possible course of action