used to indicate a terminal point or destination
a drive to the coast
the road to London
used to indicate a point in time before which a period is reckoned
five minutes to five
used to indicate a purpose, result, or end
It came to pieces
much to my surprise
used to indicate the one to which or for which something exists, is done, or directed
She is kind to animals
a letter to my mother
used to indicate addition, connection, or possession
Add 17 to 20
the key to the door
used to indicate accompaniment or response
dancing to live music
used to indicate relationship or conformity
next door to me
She won by 17 points to 11
true to type
used to introduce or stand for an infinite form of a verb
She knows more than she used to
used to indicate a terminal point or destination, e.g.:
a place where a physical movement or an action or condition suggestive of movement ends
a drive to the city
a direction
the road to London
a terminal point in measuring or reckoning or in a statement of extent or limits
It's ten miles to the nearest town
I'm wet to the skin
a point in time before which a period is reckoned
five minutes to five
a point of contact or proximity
I pinned the brooch to my coat
a purpose, result, or end
It just came to pieces in my hand
much to my surprise
the one to or for which something exists or is done or directed
She's always kind to animals
I said so in my letter to John
used to indicate:
addition, connection, or possession
Add 17 to 20
I've lost the key to the door
accompaniment or response
We danced to live music
used to indicate relationship or conformity, e.g.:
relative position
next door to me
proportion or composition
She won by 17 points to 11
correspondence to a standard
true to type
used to introduce or stand for an infinitive form of a verb
I have work to do
She knows more than she used to
used to denote purpose
He did it to annoy them