verb trans
to make (something) neater, shorter, or smaller by cutting or clipping
He trimmed the hedge
(often + off/from) to remove (a specified length or part) from something by cutting or clipping
to reduce the size of (something, esp expenditure) by eliminating any unnecessary or superfluous things
to remove (a specified amount of money) from something, esp by making financial cuts
This could trim thousands from the running costs
to decorate (something) with ribbons, lace, ornaments, etc
to adjust (a sail on a sailing ship) to take advantage of the wind direction
to adjust (a sail on a boat) to take advantage of the wind
to adjust the balance and position in the water of (a ship), esp by rearranging the ballast, cargo, or passengers
to adjust (an aircraft or submarine) for horizontal movement or for motion upwards or downwards
informal, dated
to defeat (somebody) resoundingly, esp at a gambling game
to cheat or swindle (somebody)
to beat or rebuke (somebody) severely
to change one's views, esp to come into line with current political thinking in the hope of achieving personal advancement
to alter one's way of life, esp in response to changed circumstances