

单词 type

type1/tiep/ noun

a class or group of people, animals, or things that share similar characteristics; a kind or variety

a person or thing that is considered to be representative of such a class or group

informal a person who has a specified characteristic, nature, etc

the quiet type

a category of living organisms that is selected as a reference for a higher category, usu the subgroup most perfectly exemplifying the higher category

a type species

= type specimen

a small metal block with a raised letter or other character on its upper surface, used in printing

a set of such blocks

printed characters, words, etc

a section in italic type

a figure or device on either side of a coin or medal

the form common to all instances of a word or other linguistic form: compare token1 (6)

in theology, a person or event, e.g. in the Old Testament, regarded as foreshadowing another, e.g. in the New Testament

(used in combinations) resembling

Cheddar-type cheese

typal adj
[French type via Latin typus from Greek typos an impression, model, or figure, from typtein to strike]

type2verb trans

to write (something) using a typewriter or computer

to determine the class of (something, esp blood or tissue)

typing noun




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