sound produced by forcing air from the lungs through the larynx
sound produced by animals and birds by forcing air from the lungs through the larynx or, in birds, the syrinx
sound produced in this way by human beings, esp in speaking
Miriam takes nine in voices — Saki
sound produced by a person speaking
could hear voices
something that seems to speak as a voice
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking — H L Mencken
the ability to speak
musical sound produced by the vocal cords and resonated by the cavities of the head and throat
the power or ability to sing or produce musical tones
has a beautiful voice
the condition of the vocal organs for singing
in good voice
a singer
music for voices
any of the melodic parts in a vocal or instrumental piece of music
the use of the voice, e.g. in singing or acting
an instrument or medium of expression
the voice of working people
the expressed wish or opinion
the voice of the people
right of expression; say
has no voice in this matter
a willingness to speak, express opinions, etc
in grammar, distinction of form or a particular system of inflections of a verb to indicate the relation of the subject of the verb to the action that the verb expresses
in phonetics, breathing out of air with the vocal cords drawn close so as to vibrate audibly, e.g. in uttering consonant sounds such as
to express (feelings, etc)
without dissent; unanimously