a usu upright and solid structure, esp of stone, brick, or concrete, having considerable height and length in relation to width and serving to divide, enclose, retain, or support
(also in pl) a high thick masonry structure forming a long rampart or an enclosure, chiefly for defence
a structure bounding a garden, park, or estate
any of the upright enclosing structures of a room or house
an upright structure serving to hold back pressure, e.g. of water or sliding earth
a layer of a container enclosing space
in anatomy, a lining or membrane enclosing a cavity or structure
heart walls
an almost vertical rock surface
something that acts as a barrier or defence
a wall of silence
chiefly NAmer, informal unusual or unconventional
chiefly NAmer, informal said of an idea or plan: totally ridiculous or foolish
[prob derived from games such as squash, in which a ball can rebound off the wall in an unexpected direction]informal said of a business: to fail or be forced to close
into a state of exasperation or unreasoning fury
I don't know what he's got against roses, but if you use even one in a bouquet he goes up the wall — Eleanor Rees