the netlike structure spun by most spiders and used as a resting place and a trap for prey
the silken structure spun by most spiders and used as a resting place and a trap for small prey, e.g. insects
a similar network spun by an insect or insect larva
an intricate structure suggestive of something woven; a network
(the Web) the World Wide Web
a tissue or membrane of an animal or plant, esp that uniting fingers or toes either at their bases, e.g. in human beings, or along most of their length, e.g. in ducks and many other water birds
a thin metal sheet, plate, or strip, esp the plate connecting the upper and lower flanges of a girder or rail
a continuous sheet of paper manufactured or undergoing manufacture on a paper machine
a roll of such paper for use in a rotary printing press
a woven fabric, esp a length of fabric while still being woven on a loom or in the process of being removed from a loom
a snare or entanglement
They were caught in a web of intrigue