an opening in the wall of a building, side of a vehicle, etc to let in light and air, usu fitted with a frame containing glass and capable of being opened and shut
a pane of glass in a window
a display area behind the window of a shop
a transparent panel in an envelope, through which the address on the enclosure is visible
in computing, a rectangular area of the display on a VDU or monitor within which a separate part of an image or file can be displayed
a brief time available for something
a window of opportunity
something that functions like a window, e.g. in allowing people to see what is normally hidden
a window on the Western world
a range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum that can pass through a planet's atmosphere
an interval of time within which a rocket or spacecraft must be launched to accomplish a particular mission
an area at the limits of the earth's atmosphere through which a spacecraft must pass for successful re-entry
informal to cease to exist die out or come to an end