said of a fire: to consume fuel and give off heat, light, and gases
said of a fuel or other material: to undergo combustion
The wood burns well
said of a building etc: to be consumed or destroyed by fire
to give off light
A lamp was burning in the window
to become charred, scorched, or destroyed by fire or the action of heat
I think the food must be burning
said of the skin: to become reddened and sore from exposure to heat
to be longing
They were burning to tell the story
(+ with) to experience an emotion or desire strongly
She was burning with fury
informal to drive very fast
to cause (something) to undergo combustion by fire
to use (something) as fuel
to injure or damage (something) by exposure to fire, heat, radiation, corrosive chemicals, or electricity
to char or scorch (something) by exposure to fire or heat
to put (somebody) to death by burning
to produce (something) by burning
He managed to burn a hole in the sleeve
to copy data, audio files, etc to (a CD)
to commit oneself to a course of action that cannot be reversed
see finger1
to be active at night as well as by day
to work or study far into the night