a soft close-fitting head covering without a brim and often with a peak
a head covering that denotes the rank or occupation of the wearer, e.g. a nurse
chiefly Brit a head covering awarded to a member of a sports team, esp a player selected for a national team, or somebody to whom such a cap has been awarded
an academic mortarboard
a natural cover or top
the pileus (upper dome-shaped part) of a mushroom or toadstool
something that serves as a cover or protection, esp for the end or top of an object
an upper financial limit
a cap on the level of community charge any council may make — Daily Telegraph
the uppermost part; the top
a small container holding an explosive charge, e.g. for a toy pistol or for priming the charge in a firearm
Brit = Dutch cap
an artificial substitute or protective covering for the external part of a tooth
in a deferential manner
dated said of a woman: to try to attract (a particular man), esp with a view to marriage