verb trans
to capture or seize (a person or an animal), esp after pursuit
to take or entangle (a person or an animal) in a snare, or as if in a snare
caught in a web of deceit
to discover (somebody) unexpectedly, esp when doing something wrong or furtive
to become or cause (something) to become entangled, fastened, or stuck
I caught my sleeve on a nail
to intercept and keep hold of (a moving object), esp in the hands
to dismiss (a batsman in cricket) by catching the ball after it has been hit and before it has touched the ground
to seize (something)
Catch hold of the railing
to take in and retain (something)
a barrel to catch the rainwater
to contract or become infected with (a disease)
to hit or strike (something)
I caught my elbow on the counter
to be struck or affected by (something)
She caught the spirit of the occasion
to attract or arrest (somebody's attention)
to take or get (something) momentarily or quickly
He caught a glimpse of his friend
to be in time for (something)
I want to catch the last post
to grasp (something) with the senses or the mind
I didn't catch your name
to capture a likeness of (somebody or something)
to become caught
My sleeve caught on a nail
said of a fire: to start to burn
informal to incur blame or punishment
to see (something or somebody) suddenly or momentarily