(usu + that) to have the same opinion or judgment
I agree that it would be unwise to interfere
(often + to) to consent to do something
The owners have agreed to sell
chiefly Brit to come to terms on (something, e.g. a price), usu after discussion; to accept (something) by mutual consent
The following articles were agreed — Winston Churchill
to bring (things, e.g. figures) into harmony
(often + to) to give assent; to accede
agree to your proposal
(often + with) to be of the same opinion
never seem to agree
I agree with you
(often + with) to suit (somebody) or be on good terms with them; to be compatible
A man of her own size of understanding would, probably, not agree so well with her — Mary Wollstonecraft
Poetry and the stage do not agree well together — Hazlitt
(often + with) to correspond or be consistent
(+ with) to suit somebody's health or constitution
(often + with) to correspond in grammatical gender, number, case, or person
(often + on) to decide together
agreed on a colour scheme