Origin: 1600-1700 French explicite, from Latin explicare; ➔ EXPLICATE
THESAURUSeasy to understand►clear
expressed in a simple and direct way so that people understand: The game comes with clear instructions. The test questions weren’t very clear.
simple, clear, direct, and easy to understand: She told him in plain language to sign the contract or leave.
formal completely clear because of having only one possible meaning: His refusal to help was unambiguous.
formal very clearly said or written and including every detail: She gave us explicit instructions about what to do in an emergency.
possible for people to understand: Business letters need to be written in a way that is understandable so that people do not do the wrong thing.
1language or pictures that are explicit describe or show sex or violence very clearly: movies with explicit love scenes2expressed in a way that is very clearOPP implicit: explicit instructions► see thesaurus at clear13very clear and direct in what you say: Be explicit when you talk about money with your family.explicit about Angela was very explicit about her reasons for wanting a divorce.—explicitly adverb—explicitness noun [uncountable]